Title of Study Programme Bachelor Studies in Environmental Economy
Duration of Studies 4 years

(8 semesters)

ECTS 240

(60 ECTS per one academic year)

Academic title Graduate Analyst of Environmental Economy

Study programme objectives

Environmental economy study program aims to elaborate environmental issues, such as pollution, climate change and protection of biodiversity, from aspect of economy, develop understanding of environment and resources, define conceptual basics and practical tools for analysis, quantification and interpretation of state, protection and development indicators.

Environmental economy has developed from ten years of effort to put together specific knowledge in the field of Integral management of natural resources, from the point of view of green economy, economy of resources, natural economy, circular economy, that are crucial part of holistic and interdisciplinary understanding of environmental phenomena.

Starting new undergraduate study program is a logical consequence of the results already achieved in this area, in order to complement the existing vertical of existing master program. The goal is to provide students with fundamental knowledge in the science of environmental protection, but also with interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary knowledge, that includes specific knowledge of environmental economics.

Type of studies and the outcome of the learning process

Graduate Analyst of environmental economy acquires the ability to understand underlying causes of contemporary environmental problems, but also to design policies in order to solve them. Ability to understand the instruments and tools (environmental and economic) for the environmental protection is located in the plane of the phenomenology of ecological restorations, which are neither new charges,  nor taxes, but the substitution for extra profit, from which mitigate the consequences of external costs and make up for environmental damage.

What makes this program unique is that it combines corresponding knowledge in fundamental / Natural Sciences and Mathematics with solid fundamentals and knowledge in key areas of the economy. Besides learning basics of macroeconomics and microeconomics, students get special knowledge about environmental pollution, non-renewable and renewable resources and the necessary interactions between globalization and environmental degradation. In addition to these qualitative outcomes, study program emphasizes the importance of quantitative skills needed for understanding and carring out empirical work in economics, with special emphasis on the assessment and evaluation of monetary resources, but also the assessment and monetary evaluation of environmental damage.

Professional, academic and scientific title

After completing four-year studies and obtaining 240 ECTS student receive professional title – Graduate Analyst of Environmental Economy.

Requirements for admission to the program

Admission of candidates is based on competition announced by Singidunum University and implemented by the Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura. In order to apply for the bachelor studies of Environmental Protection, student needs to:

а) Have completed four-year secondary education;

b) Pass the entrance exam and interview that aims to determine how familiar the candidate is with environmental problems and how interested he/she is in this type of study

Candidates for admission are selected based on the general success achieved in secondary education and the results achieved in the entrance exam and interview. Based on the criteria of the competition announced by Singidunum University, Admissions Committee compiles a ranking list of applicants. Top 81 students on the ranking list are being accepted.

Modes of study and the time required for the execution of any form of study

Studies are carried out through teaching courses which are arranged into semesters. Two semesters make up the academic year.

The total duration of academic studies is 4 years or 8 semesters. During this period, the student needs to collect 240 ECTS.

Program of studies




No. Subject Semester ECTC Subject Semester ESPB
Compulsory Electives
I year
1. Environmental and resource economy I 7  

Environmental policy

I 6
2. Basic economy I 7  

Quantitative analysis

I 5
3. Informatics I 6 English language A I 5
4. Waste management – wate as a natural resource I 5
5. Elective  A I
6. Analysis of public policies II 7 Theory of system and information II 5
7. Principles of microeconomy II 7 Biostatistics and experimental design II 5
8. Social ecology II 6 English language B II 5
9. Soil management – soil as natural resource II 5
10. Elective  B II
II year
11. Public, private and civil sector in sustainable development III 6 Management of water resources III 6
12. Principles of macroeconomy III 5 Philosophy of natural sciences III 5
13. Geodiversity protection III 7 Rural ecology III 6
14. Biodiversity protection III 7
15. Elective  C III
16. Economy of public sector IV 7 English language C IV 5
17. Regional geography and natural resources IV 7 Biological high value production systems IV 5
18. Economic and ecological instruments in environmental protection (Green Budget) IV 6 Insurance and environment IV 6
19. Industry of recycling IV 6
20. Elective  D IV
III year
21. Local and regional sustainable development V 7 Preservation and improvement of urban ecosystems V 6
22. Environmental management V 7 Protection and improvement of forest and hunting resouces V 5
23. Environmental law and natural resources V 6 Economic and environmental risk assesment V 6
24. EDIT A – Green economy V 5
25. Elective  E V
26. Ecological space planing VI 7 Sustainable tourism in service of rural development VI 6
27. Inclusion and environmental economy VI 6 Management of protected areas VI 5
28. Ambient ecology – Ecological and economic analysis of space as type of capital VI 7 Environmental ethics VI 5
29. EDIT B – Brown economy VI
30. Elective F VI
IV year
31. Methodology of environmental damage evaluation VII 7 International regulation in environmental protection VII 5
32. Chlimate change and global economy VII 6 Ecology and energetics VII 5
33. PCM in environmental protection VII  7 Ecological and economic aspects of directed use of genetic resources VII 6
34. EDIT C – Blue economy VII  3
35. Elective  G VII
36. Methodology of writing research paper VIII 7 Evaluation of natural resources VIII 5
37. Circular economy VIII 7 Global ecology VIII 5
38. EDIT D – Red economy VIII 3 Theory of decision making VIII 6
39. Elective  H VIII

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