Progress report of the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura, University Singidunum in Belgrade (hereinafter: the Faculty) is published in accordance with the article 39 of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ( “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 120/04, 54/07, 104/09 and 36/10), and according to Instructions for preparing and publishing of the progress report of the state authority( “Official Gazette of RS”, No.68 / 2010).
Progress report contains data that are relevant to the content, scope and manner of exercising the right of interested parties to access information of public importance.
- Basic information about Faculty and the report
- Organizational structure
- Description of the function of the Faculty authorities
- Rules regarding public work
- List of the most common requested information of public importance
- Jurisdiction, authority and duties of the Faculty
- Acting within jurisdiction, authority and duties
- Regulations that Faculty applies within their work
- Services that Faculty provides for interested parties
- Procedure for providing services
- Overview of data for provided services
- Data on income and outcome
- Data on public procurement
- Data on state aid
- Data on paid wages, salaries and other earnings
- Data on resources
- Preserving information carriers
- Type of information in the possession
- Types of information which the faculty provides access to
- Information on on the request for access to information