Bachelor Studies of Environmental Protection educate and train experts in the field of integrated protection, control, restoration and preservation of the environment, based on the synthesis of the geology and the biology, physical-chemical, technological, informational, law and economic aspects and dimensions of the environment. The focus is on the unity of natural, social and spiritual,and that people are only a part of the living systems of the planet Earth, so that the maintenance of the system is the real protection of the environment, namely the essence of this protection.The key is the integration and functional connection of different cognitive disciplines in the field of environmental protection, especially with regard to the manner and quality of life (which is one of the main goals of each education). The need for experts in the field of environmental protection in modern society, science and technology are obvious and indisputable: on one hand,  in the context of complexity and duplication of the spectrum and the total pollution load of the environment, as well as on the other hand, the need for more versatile and complete knowledge about far-reaching changes in the core of  new ecological paradigm (Environmental Science), which has a conceptual systematicity and integrity in the approach and strategy to protect and preserve the environment.

With the necessary knowledge in key areas of natural sciences (biology, chemistry, physics, geology…) which are aimed at basic patterns and certain aspects of the environment, students acquire basic and functional knowledge in the field of economic and legal principles, criteria and factors, processes and systems of environmental protection.Mastering the techniques and methods of identifying and understanding the dynamic and complex processes in the environment, students achieve competence for comprehensive consideration of environment through genesis flows and identification of the process structure, the phenomenon and its impact on the situation and changes in the ecosystem. By applying collection, measurement and processing of data, in particular the performance of databases and their systematization in geographical-informational systems (GIS), students acquire the necessary knowledge to control and process design, as well as the choice of methods for understanding the key elements of the ecological status, evaluation and measures of environmental protection.With the application of different methods and techniques for measurement and analysis of pollution and degradation,students are trained in the use of software informational systems as key tools and instruments for the adoption of measures and actions in the field of environmental protection in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

Upon completion of four year studies and 240 ECTS students receive professional title-Graduate Analyst of Environmental Protection (study programAPPLIED ECOLOGY).

Study program Bachelor Studies of Environmental Protection(organized by the system of 4 + 1) prepare students for key tasks for the effective application of knowledge not only about the environment, but also in terms of management and improvement of the environment in the context of global strategy of sustainable development.

The aim of the study program of undergraduate studies of environmental protection is to educate and train professionals of high competence to carry out comprehensive overview, measurement and control of key elements of the environment in order to identify and process environmental data, establishing and implementation of measures to protect the environment in accordance with principles of sustainable development.By encouraging and developing creative abilities together with mastering specific practical skills, students achieve effective mastering of modern methods for defining environmental indicators and agents in all spheres of the environment.

No. Subject Semester ECTS Subject Semester ECTS
Mandatory Electives
1. Ecology I 7 Environmental Policy I 6
2. Introduction to Economics I 7 Quantitative Methods I 5
3. Informatics I 6 English Language A I 5
4. Waste Resource Management I 5  
5. Elective A
6. Environmental Biology II 7 Soil Pollution and Protection II 6
7. Environmental Chemistry II 7 Biostatistics and Experimental Design II 5
8. Social Ecology II 6 English Language B II 5
9. Ecosystem Degradation and Renaturalization II 5
10. Elective  B


11. Environmental Physics III 7 Management of Water Resources III 6
12. Protection of Biodiversity III 7 Environmental Information Systems III 6
13. Protection of Geodiversity III 6 Rural Ecology III 6
14. Physical Pollution of the Environment III  6
15. Elective C III  
16. Introduction to Physical Chemistry IV 7 Air Pollution and Protection IV 6
17. Renewable Energy Sources IV 6 Environmental and Economic Instruments in Environmental Protection IV 5
18. Recycling Industry IV 7 Technological Processes in Environmental Protection IV 6
Human Ecology
IV  5 English Language C IV 5
20. Elective D IV  


21. Ecotoxicology V 7 Protection and Improvement of Forest and Hunting Resources V 6
22. Environmental Management V 7 Databases V 5
23. Environmental Law and Natural Resources V 6 Preservation and Improvement of Urban Ecosystems V 5
24. Elective E V   Ecology of Microorganisms V 6
25. Elective F V   General Psychology V 5
26. Ecohydrology VI 7 Cross-border Pollutions of the Environment VI 6
27. The Environment and Sustainable Development VI 6 Management of Protected Areas VI 5
28. Integrated GIS VI 7 Health and Environment VI 5
29. Elective G VI   Environmental Ethics VI 5
30. Elective H VI   Pedagogy with Didactics VI


31. Ecosystem Technologies VII 7 Natural Hazards VII 6
32. Ecoclimatology VII 7 Methodology of Teaching Environmental Science VII 5
33. Management of Environmental Protection Projects VII 7 Protection of Endangered Species VII 5
34. Elective I VII    
35. Methodology of research paper VIII 7 Bioremediation VIII 6
36. Environmental Science  VIII 7 Valorization of Natural Resources VIII 5
37. Elective J VIII   Environmental Accidents VIII 5
38. Internship/Volunteering VIII 5      
39. Senior Thesis VIII 10  


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