Progress report of the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura, University Singidunum in Belgrade (hereinafter: the Faculty) is published in accordance with the article 39 of the Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ( “Official Gazette of RS”, No. 120/04, 54/07, 104/09 and 36/10), and according to Instructions for preparing and publishing of the progress report of the state authority( “Official Gazette of RS”, No.68 / 2010).

Progress report contains data that are relevant to the content, scope and manner of exercising the right of interested parties to access information of public importance.


  1. Basic information about Faculty and the report
  2. Organizational structure
  3. Description of the function of the Faculty authorities
  4. Rules regarding public work
  5. List of the most common requested information of public importance
  6. Jurisdiction, authority and duties of the Faculty
  7. Acting within jurisdiction, authority and duties
  8. Regulations that Faculty applies within their work
  9. Services that Faculty provides for interested parties
  10. Procedure for providing services
  11. Overview of data for provided services
  12. Data on income and outcome
  13. Data on public procurement
  14. Data on state aid
  15. Data on paid wages, salaries and other earnings
  16. Data on resources
  17. Preserving information carriers
  18. Type of information in the possession
  19. Types of information which the faculty provides access to
  20. Information on on the request for access to information


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