Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura

Our mission

Our Mission

Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura is an academic and scientific institution of higher education which realizes its mission with educational, scientific and professional work and researches. The mission of the Faculty is to expand, improve and promote knowledge and learning, to represent an intellectual challenge, motivate creativity and support desire for improvement and acquisition of knowledge in order to make concrete and measurable socio-economic development and the increasing of the total fond of knowledge in the broadest context, for the benefit of all mankind.

In order to achieve its mission, the Faculty:

nurtures and constantly promotes research of basic natural and social sciences, with particular emphasis on international and regional projects, encourages interdisciplinary, applied scientific, developmental and professional projects in cooperation with various government institutions, industry, private and civil sector in country and region, in order to contribute to the overall sustainable socio-economic development of the Republic and the region, maintains a high level and flexibility of undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies according to international standards, which will follow European trends and initiatives and promote inter and multidisciplinary approach, taking into account the needs of society for certain staff profiles.

 Students are trained to identify and evaluate contemporary environmental problems and to find solutions and evaluate the applicability of the offered solutions. Plan and program enables understanding of best practices and standards, as well as their application, demonstrate independent and critical thinking and problem solving skills.

Our goals

One of the main goals of this kind of education is to develop the ability to work in teams, developing ability of effective communication and efficiency in working with different teams, as well as the understanding of the need for continuous learning during their careers. 

Faculty Futura is specific according to its methodologies and modern information tools which it applies because, in addition to ability to work in teams it develops creativity and the independence in their work. We strive to develop students’ ability of innovative thinking, new approach to the problems, the ability to integrate and implement the latest technologies in applied ecology and environmental protection and exploring spirit.
Realized partnerships with other higher education institutions such as the University of Nitra, University of Maribor, Independent University of Banja Luka, University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, University of Geneva and others. allows the realization of allows the realization of the part of practical training within projects and study visits.
Cooperation with more than fifty institutions of public, private and civil sectors allows students to apply for an internship.

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