Faculty of Applied Ecology – Futura

- bojan.grbovic@futura.edu.rs
The Library Fund of the Faculty of Applied Ecology has its own publications, as well as domestic and foreign publications in the field relevant to the program of basic and graduate academic studies of applied ecology. The library fund fully covers all teaching areas; in addition to subjects in the field of fundamental natural sciences – biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, physics, mathematics, ecology, climatology, geology, hydrology, then applied sciences – technology, agriculture, forestry, medicine, covers subjects in the field of social sciences – environmental economics, environmental law, social ecology, environmental management, etc.
The library is equipped with textbooks and additional textbook literature: manuals, encyclopedias, collections of papers, professional dictionaries, professional journals and electronic sources, mostly in Serbian and English. The library fund is continuously renewed and supplemented with modern textbooks and manuals, electronic sources, publications of governmental organizations, technical reports and publications of non-governmental organizations, publications of the UN and all domestic and international institutions whose activities are important for environmental protection.
Professional processing of materials is based on a unique system of classification and indexing and a unique catalog-bibliographic data processing and is performed according to international standards in the COBISS Software Package within the Project Virtual Library of Serbia of the National Library of Serbia.
According to the agreement with the University Library “Svetozar Markovic”, students and professors of the University Singidunum have the right to use the fund of the library “Svetozar Markovic”, students with a mandatory index, and professors with another personal document.
University Library “Svetozar Markovic”, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 71, Belgrade
The library database can be accessed through the websites of the University Library “Svetozar Markovic” – http://www.unilib.bg.ac.rs/, or the National Library of Serbia – http://www.vbs.rs/cobiss/
The University Library has an electronic book catalog: COBISS. SINGIDUNUM The library fund of the University of Singidunum is located in two locations: The library of the University of Singidunum is located at Danijelova 32, Belgrade, and in the search of the common electronic catalog that part of the library fund is marked S. The library of the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura is located at 13-15 Lazarevački drum, Belgrade, and in the search of the common catalog that part of the library fund bears the mark E.
The largest number of users of the Library are students and teaching staff; students can find textbook literature in it, and all other publications in the Library are available as additional literature for writing seminar and diploma theses, as well as for other personal training.
Users of the Library of the Faculty of Applied Ecology Futura can also be other citizens, with the presentation of a personal document.
The working hours of the Library of the Faculty of Applied Ecology for users are from 8.30 am to 4.00 pm, every working day.