The scientific research unit FAE Futura is accredited to perform scientific research activities in the field of natural, mathematical and social sciences, environmental protection and ecology of natural capital.

The Faculty has the Futura Institute, a scientific research organizational unit (without the status of a legal entity). The primary task of the Futura Institute is to perform scientific research tasks in the field of basic, developmental and applied research and consulting. The strategic direction of the Institute’s development, proposing and implementing scientific projects and checking the quality of the achieved project results are performed by the Scientific Committee.

The results of scientific research work are focused on the economy and society in the broadest sense of the word. The focus is on applied research that will have a direct effect on changing practices, whether it is about Serbia’s integration into the European Union, improving the competitiveness of the Serbian economy and companies in Serbia, or further development and strengthening of educational institutions.

The Faculty Council appoints the Scientific Committee for a period of three years.

The tasks of the Futira Institute are:

  • taking care of the realization of scientific and research activities within the plan and program of scientific work;
  • performing entrusted scientific research tasks, based on contracts concluded with interested bodies and organizations;
  • improving scientific and teaching methods in the field of applied ecology and integrative management, European integration, public policy and administration;
  • assisting in teaching of second and third degree studies, and in particular organizing and enabling the performance of students’ scientific research practice;
  • organization of conferences, round tables, professional forums, seminars, trainings, symposiums, professional meetings and other forms of scientific work;
  • establishing cooperation with business entities, the public sector, other faculties and scientific research institutions in the country and abroad;
  • publishing scientific results and research work in the form of monographs, collections, journals and other electronic and printed publications;
  • conducting applied and developmental researches;
  • research of ecological and social processes, systems and ideas at the national and international level;
  • improvement and modernization of teaching contents, programs and processes at all levels of studies, by applying the latest scientific and research achievements;
  • inclusion of students in scientific research projects, in accordance with their independent work during their studies (seminar, final papers, master’s theses, doctoral dissertations);
  • monitoring of the mentor work of professors and assistants with students who have opted for scientific research;
  • providing business consulting services;
  • preparation of expert analyses;
  • preparation of case studies on examples of companies operating in Serbia;
  • organization of guest lectures;
  • realization of conditions for permanent participation of scientific research youth at scientific gatherings, study visits and other forms of training, both in the country and abroad;
  • monitoring the development of gifted students of the Faculty during their studies and in cooperation with the Center for Career Guidance and Consulting;
  • providing assistance to students in terms of their commitment to scientific research;
  • monitoring the representation of students in scientific research work at the Faculty.

The organization, manner of work, competencies and financing of the work of the Futura Institute are regulated in more detail by the Rules of Procedure of the Institute.

Within the Institute, the Centers are specialized as follows:

  • CSRD(Center for Sustainable Rural Development)
  • CERM(Center for Eco remediation)
  • CES(Center for Eco safety)
  • CRE(Center for Resource Economics)
  • CIE(Center for Integrative Ecology)

The work of the centers is managed by the Head of the Center when he appoints the Dean on the proposal of the Head of the Institute. The head of the center is appointed for a period of three years. The head of the center is responsible for his work to the dean and the head of the Institute.

The faculty placed emphasis on scientific research work with the aim of developing science and improving the quality of teaching, improving the scientific youth, introducing students to scientific research work, as well as creating material conditions for the development of the faculty. Scientific research work takes place in an institutionally organized way within the Institute, as a scientific research organizational unit of the Faculty.

The Futura Institute is dedicated to the development of scientific research youth through the following activities:

  • providing conditions for the selection and admission of the best and most talented students of the Faculty who express interest and abilities for scientific research work, to the title of teaching associates;
  • research within the economy, entrepreneurial ideas, initiatives, innovations;
  • inclusion of a large number of associates, assistants and students in scientific research and professional work organized by the Faculty as well as in projects implemented by the Faculty;
  • referral of young researchers to conferences, seminars, workshops and training programs in the field of natural-mathematical and social-humanistic sciences organized by domestic and international foreign scientific and professional institutions;
  • referral of young researchers for training in the country and abroad, based on the cooperation that the Faculty has with other scientific research organizations, and especially within the TEMPUS projects that are being implemented;
  • (co) financing the publishing of scientific publications by young researchers;
  • improvement, modernization and enrichment of teaching contents in the subjects of study programs of all levels of studies through the inclusion and application of the results of scientific research work.

In accordance with the Statute, as well as the Program of Scientific Research and the Program of Development of Scientific and Research Youth, adopted in September 2014 for the period from 2014 to 2015, the Faculty encourages and provides conditions for teachers, associates and students to actively engage in scientific research and professional work and to publish the results of that work as often as possible.

The Institute develops and nurtures domestic and international relations and relations with related institutions. In order to promote international and domestic scientific cooperation, a scientific council of the Institute has been established. So far, the Institute has signed agreements on cooperation, and the intention is to increase that number and to expand cooperation with companies, scientific research institutions, non-governmental organizations, universities and the state administration.

The Faculty develops and nurtures partnerships with related institutions – the economy, state and international organizations and the non-governmental sector, in addition to less formal forms of cooperation.

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