Fakultet Futura

International projects​

International projects
No. Period Project name and donator Status of the faculty
1. 2020 Bio economy summer school Partner
2. 2020 EIT Climate-KIC The Journey 2020 Serbia Main contractor
3. 2019 The innovative low carbon building materials based on miscanthus giganteus plant sourcethe new bio-concrete materials  in green building industry EBRD, Transkop DOO Partner
4. 2015-2018 Visegrad for Serbia: Bridging the gap between education and environmentally-friendly development in practice (Visegrad University Studies Grants IVF-International Visegrad Fund) Main contractor
5. 2014-2015 (EU Delegation, SWG, through the Peple2People program) Partner
6. 2014-2015 Internationalization, Green Jobs University of Maribor Partner
7. 2014-2018 COST FP1305: Linking belowground biodiversity and ecosystem function in European forests (BioLink) (European Cooperation for Science and Technology) Partner
8. 2015-2016 SK-SRB-2013-0031 Revitalization of small agricultural farms through energy crops cultivation and biomass production (bilateralna saradnja sa Slovačkom) Main contractor
9. 2013-2015 CSOs support to public administration in IPA Rural Development II with focus on Measure 202 (The Delegation of the EU to the Republic of Serbia-civil society) Partner
10. 2013 Forests and Mountain Protected Areas Project for Bosnia and Herzegovina (World Bank, GEF) Partner
11. 2012-2015 COST ES1101: Harmonizing Global Biodiversity Modelling (HarmBio) (European Cooperation for Science and Technology) Partner
12. 2012-2014 Visegrad for Serbia:Rural ecology best practices (Visegrad University Studies Grants IVF-International Visegrad Fund) Main contractor
13. 2012 Support to local socio-economic development through the development of eco-tourism in protected areas (IPA Assistance to civil society ) Partner
14. 2011-2016 Harmonizing Global Biodiversity Modeling (HarmBio), the UNEP World Conservation Monitoring centre (UNEP-WCMC), Cambridge, European commission, COST Action Partner
15. 2011-2013 EMOCLIP – Institutional Partnership for Environmental Modeling and Climatology (Swiss National Science Foundation) Main contractor
16. 2011-2012 Building Land Management (EU, Exchange 3) Partner
17. 2011-2012 Joint efforts to manage the Pek River (EU, Exchange 3) Partner
18. 2011 Taxonomic and geographical assessment of species in preparation for compiling of the red list fauna and flora of Republic of Srpska (Global Environment Facility (GEF), through International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), within Forest and Mountain Protected Areas Project) Partner
19. 2010-2011 Comparative studies of the adaptability and productivity of energy crops and plants grown on agricultural land in Southern Slovakia and Serbia (bilateral cooperation with Slovakia) Main contractor
20. 2010-2014 Internationalization – Creating Green Jobs (European Social Fund) Partner
21. 2010-2014 COST Action: Hybrid Energy Storage Devices and Systems for Mobile and Stationary (European Cooperation for Science and Technology) Partner
22. 2010-2014 Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform  – W.B.R.E.N. (Delegation EU to the Republic of Serbia – TEMPUS) Partner
23. 2012 Awareness Raising Campaign on the Protected Natural Resources of Republika Srpska, World Bank
24. 2009 Creation and promotion of the tourist route with roman specific Via Danubii in the cross border area Băile Herculane (Romania) – Veliko Gradište (Serbia) (CBC Romania – Serbia 2009) Partner
23. 2009 ECO status of the river Tamiš (CBC Romania – Serbia 2009) Partner
26. 2009 Pan-European Biodiversity Picnic (CEEWeb and UNEP Regional Office for Europe) Main contractor
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